About Us

FlatGradings.com's mission is to provide free and useful information about apartments in India. It helps buyers/renters/potential investors make an informed and well thought renting/buying decision.

When you are looking to rent/buy an apartment, deciding where you are going to live can be really difficult as every city in India is constantly growing and changing. As of now we do not have any way of getting to know the insider details of any apartment.

As an open resource for renters/buyers/investors, FlatGradings.com's ratings & reviews provide a realistic insider's perspective of apartment complexes & apartment builder because they are in renters/buyers/investors own experiences. These honest and first-hand information can help you to eliminate unnecessary viewings and to focus your search on areas, apartments and builders that really suit you. Nothing can be as accurate as the data provided by someone living/invested in the Apartment.

FlatGradings.com offers a most comprehensive database of apartments online. For the renters, it helps him discover how much other renters in the same apartment complex pay as rent. At the same time for buyers/investors, it helps him find out how good the builder is.

So, make sure you crawl through FlatGradings.com and get as much information as you can before deciding on your next home!

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